Baited consists of Liam Farrell (Guitar/Vox), Tyler Turner (Bass/Vox), Andy Adams (Drums). Liam and Tyler started the band in March of 2022 as a bedroom project, but have been playing in bands together for 6 years. Started with a progressive metal band named Plaintiff that shortly ended in 2018 that went into Honey Lips, a hardcore punk band that ended in 2020. Liam met Andy in March 2022 and was asked to play bass in a rock band that Andy formed with guitarists Justin Doucette and Curtis DesRoches. With the pandemic still in full effect that band just lost momentum and they were all looking for a project to dig their teeth into. Liam and Tyler started writing music in Liam's bedroom on his computer , something they never did but was the only option to keep productive. Liam never thought to ask Andy if he wanted to play drums because he didn't think he was into heavy punk as much as they were, but he knew how hard he hit the drums and figured if he plays that hard he's gonna like what they made. They sent him the songs and started working right away. They recorded their EP in June 2022, released two singles in July and now the full EP in October 2022.