Stodgy, old-school, twee. These are the words that usually come to mind when one thinks of Victoria. But there is a vibrant underbelly of creativity that puts the BC capital on the cutting edge of current alternative music. ‘Victoria’s Secret 2022’ is the latest in the series of compilations that provide convincing evidence. From kick-ass rock to trip-digenous, and from wild electronica to baroque pop, the showcased artists represent a variety of style. However, they are united in their love of the quietly subversive. ‘Victoria’s Secret 2022’ was compiled by Mark Anthony Brennan. Presented by Baffled Octopi Records & Surkeus Records
credits: Itoko: itoko.bandcamp.com/album/itoko Ginger Flyers: gingerflyers.bandcamp.com/album/i-want-us-all-to-feel-love The Poor Choices: thepoorchoices.bandcamp.com/album/the-poor-choices JP Meldrum: jpmeldrum.bandcamp.com/album/dashcam-rodeo Thorn: thornx.bandcamp.com General Purv: thepurveyorsoffreewill.bandcamp.com/album/take-cover Little Fire: l1ttlefire.bandcamp.com r. mason: rmasonmusic.bandcamp.com/album/rains-too-loud-for-t-v Oceanside85: oceanside85.bandcamp.com the r.a.p.: therap.bandcamp.com Anteater Eater: anteatereaters.bandcamp.com Charl Cilders: charlcilders.bandcamp.com Tapioca: tapioca.bandcamp.com Nathan Harris: nathanharrismusic.bandcamp.com