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#discovermusic : Morphine (New Playlist)

#discovermusic : Morphine was an American bluesy jazz-rock trio with unique instrumentation - drums, baritone sax and a two-string bass guitar played with a slide. The singer, Mark Sandman, sang with a “distinctive, deep bass-baritone voice”.

Their 1992 debut “Good” was described as “excavating a slippery, sultry groove that suggests blues and be-bop without becoming either”. This was followed by “Cure For Pain” (1993), “Yes” (1995), and “Like Swimming” (1997).

Posthumous b-sides, live and best-of albums have been released in the years following Mark’s death of heart attack in 1999 while on stage in Italy.

Some 10 years later, Jerome Deupree (drums) and Dana Colley (baritone sax) formed Vapors of Morphine. Jeremy Lyons plays the 2-string bass and sings. Tom Avery replaced Jerome on drums in 2019.



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