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Sept 24/22 - DJBEEKEENI @ Gas Station Theatre Arts Centre (Winnipeg)

Eve Rice is music producer DJBeekeeni also known as the electronic act Vav Jungle. Futuristic, vintage, avant garde catchy beats from around the world are the theme for Nuit Blanche night 2022. Come and dance the night away to some of the coolest tracks (including hers) from Winnipeg to Ukraine, Berlin, France, Japan, Turkey, India…a melting pot of GROOVY on the Gas Station Theatre patio! -Wear a wig (or two), be a spectacle on the dancefloor if you'd like

-Albums by performer available that evening

-Vav Jungle and DJBeekeeni music on the Surkeus Records Label

*Vav Jungle and DJBeekeeni music on all online services*

**More acts pre and post this show...come for the whole evening starting at 6pm!



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