Bruce Enloe
Although Bruce Enloe is most well known for his brief tenure in the popular 60s country-prog-proto punk band ‘The Big Starry Beatlish Byrdle Bowies’, replacing infamous lead songwriter/cult figure John Syd Gram Wilson who left (or was forced to leave, depending who you ask…) after taking a vow of pestilence (or as bandmate Richard Woodsley complained at the time in his lilting Northern cockney... “It was all a bit much… with the bugs and all…”). Yes,when the Kemptvillian by way of Californian by way of Texan Enloe famously stepped into those notoriously foul-smelling boots, he probably had no idea that he was stepping into something much more foul than anyone imagined… that’s right, history.
We all know how it went from there... the wild parties... the infamous Bonfire... the mystical brisket… the Unseasonably Cool hats...the unconventionally sexy handlebar moustache…and finally? What can only be described as retreat into becoming little more than a Perfect Cliche…a curmudgeonly musical recluse, slurping greedily at the dregs of a once promising career with an oversized chip on one battle-weary shoulder and a road-worn six string slung hard across the other.
Then, at some point, he settled in. Life got ok. The kid came along… and the songs? They got better too. Not every story has to end on a sad note, my friends. Sure, tune in for the darkness… that’s where all the good stories begin. But this time? Stick around for the redemption!